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  1. St. Michael and the Dragon, from a Latin edition, 1511
  2. St.James and the Magician
  3. The Spring
  4. Sistine Chapel, Detail with Zachariah
  5. Proportions of the Human Figure According to Vitruvius
  6. The Denial Of St Peter, C1620-1625
  7. Agnes Sorel as Madonna With Child, By Jean Fouquet, c. 1445, French painting
  8. Venus and Mars with Cupid
  9. The Three Ages of Man and Death. Hans Baldung Grien
  10. Angelo II - Madonna Sistina
  11. Allegory of the Conception, Renaissance painting by Giorgio Vasari, 1541
  12. Gallery Of The Stucco, By Giulio Mazzoni, 1548-1560. Palazzo Spada, Rome, Italy
  13. Portrait of Queen Anne of Spain
  14. The Harvesters (1525-1569)
  15. Drapery study
  16. The Heavenly Militia, c.1348-54
  17. Pond of Apollo at Versailles and the Grand Canal with its Flotilla, 1705
  18. The Dutch Burn English Ships during the Expedition to Chatham, June 20, 1667
  19. The Divine Eros Defeats The Earthly Eros, C1602
  20. St. Andrew
  21. St. Jude Thaddeus, 1606
  22. Holy Family And Saints Contending With Devil For Souls, By Giorgio Gandini Del Grano
  23. Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Creation of Adam, 1510
  24. St. John the Baptist in Meditation
  25. Gallery of Antique Statues and Water Fountains at Versailles
  26. Agnus Dei
  27. Virgin de las Cuevas
  28. Adoration of the Magi
  29. Scheme for the Sistine Chapel Ceiling, c.1508
  30. Hebrew Bible, 1299. Ark of the Covenant open showing Tablets of the Law
  31. Still Life
  32. The Battle of Terheide, by Jan Beerstraten, 1653-66
  33. Angels with Golden Coronas
  34. River Landscape, 1697
  35. The Adoration Of The Shepherds, C1585-1590
  36. The Tiberian Island in Rome
  37. Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Ignudi (pre restoration)
  38. St. Luke
  39. The Duke of Urbino
  40. Christ Saviour, c.1570
  41. Charles V (1500-58) Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain with his Dog, 1533
  42. Still Life with a Goblet, 1653
  43. The Garden of Earthly Delights: Allegory of Luxury, central panel of triptych, c.1500
  44. Venus, detail from The Birth of Venus, c.1485
  45. Enthroned Virgin Mary, 10th c. Byzantine Icon of enamel and gold
  46. Plan for Domed Church
  47. Allegory of Autumn, by Rosalba Carriera, 1726-1727. Private collection
  48. Christ on the Cross